System Comparison
Intellectual Property Strategy

ECONetwrok and Smart-GRID

Smart-GRID is now a kind of boom. The main characteristics of Smart-GRID; Bi-lateral, Intelligence, Visualize, and Autonomy, are what VPEC has proposed since 2002. Smart-GRID consists of two aspects. One is upgrading the existing GRID, utilizing Information Technology, and the other is to visualize the status of electricity demand and consumption by predicting a behavioral changes and energy conservation.

Concerning the former, the basic principle of AC needs simultaneous power supply and demand. This principle couldnft be achieved; even when Information Technology (IT) is fully utilized, under the massive deployment of renewable energy. There must exist a time lag from the time of sensing, calculation, decision, order and final execution. Compared with the present GRID composed of the synchronous generators, it is difficult to achieve the same level of simultaneous power supply and demand, and the quality of frequency and voltage. ECONetwork utilizes a simple method in energy transfer and upgrades the quality by utilizing IT.

The latter is a portion of ECONetwork; however simple visualization cannot achieve long-lasting effects, which the field test of conserve energy navigator has shown already. ECONetwork implants the structure of keeping the effects.
In our view, the intelligent GRID, Smarter GRID and ECONetwork, the Smart GRID could be the solution as is the computer network.